18 More Musings on 2012

now half way through this thick

book  i’m swimming in Nietzsche

and mayan calenders crop circles

that communicate from the stars

Rudolph Steiner who communicates

with Lucifer and some other fellows

i’d rather not know Waldorf looks quite

tame beside his extraterrestrial visitations

be great to quit reading, but this memory

i have of playing with a christ figure in the clouds

speaking coherently with tree goddesses

getting wisdom from rocks

all of it divine from star homes to current

history to be divine i keep reading

this to remember my own meta-physical

history to stand in awe of life and galaxies

to ride some words beyond the smallness

of my daily care of a beautiful boy,

a gorgeous piece of land and a large

suburban house this book shelters

me like a forest, endangers me like

the eruption of creation and gives me something

to do while the television takes over

the living space morning to night

i ride it into other realms and come

back dreaming my own memoir

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